Introducción »eBooks» The White House Princess (ebook)


The White House Princess (ebook)


Número del producto: 133
PVP sin IVA : 2,88 €
PVP con IVA (4 %):
3,00 €

al carrito:

"The White House Princess (ebook)". Alvaro Marin.

The daughter of the President of the USA and a young doctor, meet by chance and fall passionately in love. Nothing hinders their relation and they even have the blessing of the President, a brilliant outgoing character, unique and endearing, who is running for re-election.The doctor, in his frequent visits to the White House to see his girlfriend, has conversations with the President, full of zest and wit, sometimes funny and other more serious, which won’t leave you indifferent.Life and unexpected circumstances, such as Jihadism and drugs, shake the perfect world of the lovers to the point of destabilizing their lives, reaching a climax full of emotions and memories.



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